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What is the competitiveness of enterprises?

author: click::307 Publication time:2022-10-28

Enterprise competitiveness and competitive strategy: Enterprises must face competition when selling products and services in the market. Competitiveness: The ability of an enterprise to produce products that can stand the test of the market, provide quality services and create added value under the free and fair market conditions, thus maintaining and increasing the actual income of the enterprise. It is an important factor that determines the growth, maintenance of the status quo or failure of an enterprise. Differences from core competitiveness: Enterprise competitiveness and competitive strategy The competitiveness of enterprises is divided into three levels: the first level is the product level, including the ability of product production and quality control, service, cost control, marketing and R&D; The second level is the system level, including the structure platform composed of various management elements, the internal and external environment of the enterprise, the resource relationship, the enterprise operation mechanism, the enterprise scale, the brand and the enterprise property right system; The third level is the core level, including the corporate culture with corporate philosophy and corporate values as the core, the internal and external consistent corporate image, the innovative ability of the enterprise, the differentiated and personalized corporate characteristics, sound finance, excellent vision and long-term global development goals. The first level is the competitiveness of the surface layer; The second level is to support the competitiveness of the platform; The third level is the core competitiveness. From this conclusion, we can see that corporate culture plays an important role in enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprises often make mistakes in competition. 1. Pay too much attention to short-term financial performance and neglect research and development. 2. Failing to take advantage of advantages and opportunities, or failing to recognize competitive threats. 3. Ignore the operation strategy 4. Too much emphasis is placed on the design of products or services, but not enough attention is paid to process design and improvement. 5. Neglect investment in capital and human resources. 6. Failing to establish good internal communication and cooperation among different functional departments. 7. Failing to consider the needs and demands of customers. Three strategies of enterprises in the competition. 1. Total cost leadership strategy. Try your best to reduce costs, reduce commodity prices through low costs, and maintain competitive advantage. 2. Differentiation strategy: The products or services provided by the company are unique, or multi-functional, or new in style, or more beautiful. 3. Centralization strategy is also called target concentration strategy, target aggregation strategy, and specialization strategy (Focus), which focuses on a specific customer group, a subdivision of a product series, or a certain regional market. In addition, strategies such as value chain and industrial cluster are developed in the later stage of competition strategy.


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